Building awareness of healthy living behavior, RAPINDO builds a toilet in the village of Pantai Bahagia in Muara Gembong

Writen on 2022-05-19 by Admin

Bekasi, West Java - Kampung Pantai Bahagia is a village in Bekasi Regency, West Java Province, Indonesia. This village is located in the Muara Gembong sub-district, the most remote area and sub-district in Bekasi Regency. The lack of knowledge about environmental health in the village is the main factor that many residents still defecate in rivers and streams.

The following factors encourage PT. Riken Indonesia (RAPINDO) to assist in the construction of toilets in the village of Pantai Bahagia and education about environmental health, in order to create a healthy environment and society.

in the event also, PT. Riken Indonesia (RAPINDO) held games and there were also events in the form of lunch and gifts for children who live in the village of Pantai Bahagia and planting trees on site.